Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fritters and Furry Friends

Happy Thursday! The weather has been spectacular recently. Blue skies, gusty winds, and warm sunny temperature. I came home after spending the afternoon talking about organ and bone marrow transplants. I was in the mood for a refreshing snack and found a great recipe for zucchini fritters. This seemed so simple and I had all of the ingredients on hand. They are actually very healthy too, just a little bit of cheese and lots of yummy zucchini.  They reminded me a lot of potato latkas but with a yummy green zucchini.

I think zucchini is probably my favorite vegetable and I'm always excited to see new ways to use it. These turned out just great and I was able to make them in under 10 minutes. The original recipe called for mint/parsley. I substituted Penzeys Mural of Flavor spice mix that has a mix of shallots, onion, garlic, thyme, rosemary, basil, coriander, lemon peel, citric acid, black pepper, chives, green peppercorns, dill weed, and orange peel.I think this gave the fritters a great flavor. I also used Japanese panko breadcrumbs. I really do prefer these over regular breadcrumbs. They provide a great crunch and are really light. I served the fritters will a little dollop of tzatzki sauce which was perfect. It provided a cool, refreshing touch to the fritters. 

The recipe cautioned to squeeze the liquid out of the zucchini or else the fritters wouldn't hold together. I completely forgot that step, but the fritters still turned out fine. They were a little difficult to hold together at first, but once you get a nice brown on one side, it's not too terrible. 

While we were making these, Kuma was whining at the front door. I took a peak outside and realized there was a lost dog sitting on our patio. I managed to wrestle her down long enough to get the phone number on her collar. I found out her name was Affinity and her owner was right down the street. She was super excited and kept trying to wiggle her way into the house to play with Kuma. Her owner came and took her home after a few minutes. I've actually never found a lost dog, so this was my first experience with a owner-doggie reunion. I was so happy that we got her back to her owner and I can only hope someone would do the same if Kuma ever managed to break free. 

An exciting afternoon full of delicious food and happy reunions.

Zucchini Fritters
adapted from Giusto Gusto
  • 2-3 small Zucchini, grated
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 c. panko breadcrumbs
  • 1/2 Tbsp spice blend
  • 1/4 c. cheese (I used a a mix of pecorino romano and parmigiano reggiano)
  • Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil for frying

Combine all of the ingredients and form into small patties about 1/2″ thick. Fry in a hot pan with 1/4″ of olive oil until golden brown on both sides. Once fried to golden perfection, allow the fritters to drain onto paper towel, this will insure they stay extra crispy and not at all soggy.Serve with a dollop of tzatzki sauce.


  1. Stoked you liked the fritters, look great.

  2. Thanks Paul! They tasted amazing, definitely recipe to keep on hand.



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